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Playing Tick5 (textual version)

Run the textual version tick5tui (or tick5tui.exe on Win32 ) from a console window, you will be prompted to either start a new game or open a saved one.

    Image for Tick5's Select a Game

Start a new game

If you choose to start a new game, you will be prompted to choose a player for black stone (represented by "X" on the textual board.)

    Image for Tick5's Select a Game
If you choose Albeta, the built-in AI player will play black stone and you need to select a level (see Change Game Options for the meaning of the options. )

    Image for Tick5's Select a Level

If you choose Human Player, you need to type in an ID for the player.

    Image for Tick5's Type In User's Name
If you choose Lua Script,  you will prompted to provide the name of the script file. For example, /home/xmartin/tick5scripts/goofy2.wz.

    Image for Tick5's Type In Lua Script

You will be prompted to do the same things for white stone (represented by "O" on the textual board.)

After you select players for both black and white stone, the game starts running.

Open a saved game

If you choose to open a saved game, you will be prompted to type in the file name of the saved game. For example, /home/xmartin/tick5games/goof_vs_goofy.tick5.

    Image for Tick5's Type In Game Name

If the saved game wasn't finished when it was saved, it starts running.

Play a game

If you are the human player, you will be prompted to type in the x- and y-coordinte of a move when it's your turn.

    Image for Tick5's Type In X and Y

After you type in valid x and y, the move will be accepted and the board will be updated.

Instead of typing in x- and y-coodinate, you can press Ctrl-D (hold the Ctrl key and press D) on Linux or Ctrl-Z on Win32
, and you will be prompted to the following choices.

    Image for Tick5's Select A Action

Type in 1 to undo moves. After typing in 2, you will get a hint and be prompted again to make a move.

    Image for Tick5's Get A Hint

If you type in 3, the game will be stoped and you will be prompted whether to save the game or not.

    Image for Tick5's Save A Game

If you type in y, you will be prompted for a file name.

    Image for Type in Game File Name

When the game ends, you will be
prompted to save the game either.

Watch a game

If you let one AI compete against another AI, all you need to do is watching. However, if you are getting tired of the naive moves they are making and want to stop the game, simply press Ctrl-C (hold the Ctrl key and press C) to stop the game. Once the game is stopped, you are prompted weather to save the game or not.

CAUTION: On Win32, the MSYS console window reacts to Ctrl-C differently. It simply kills the game without prompting you to save the game, so your game will be lost. You'd better run from the DOS Prompt window on Win32.